All of the projects that I made last week were bisked and are now ready to be glazed. I still need to make one more plate but I think I can finish that by the end of the quarter. I am very happy with my wheel altered project and my set of three. I also wedged a lot of clay this week so that I have enough to throw whatever I need to within the next few days. I am so excited to glaze! I stayed after one more day to make a plate and ended up making a plate and a bowl. I am very happy that I was able to make my plate in time to glaze it before the qu
I have new inspiration this week. Now that I do not have to work everyday after school, I decided to come in for about an hour and I made three great projects. I made a plate, a cup, and a altered wheel project. I found an image on the internet while looking for good ideas on what to make and it really made me think about my projects. My glaze is usually very simple and when I looked at this image I realized that if this bowl was glazed with one color, it would be boring. Instead, the glaze brings the bowl to life. Besides looking for new ideas this week, I have finished making my set of three, which will be a small plate, a cup, and a pitcher (for a spring time snack and lemonade). I have also finished making my two plates, and my wheel altered project. 
I have also helped a few of the beginning students center, throw, and foot. I am surprised how fast some of them are getting a hang of the wheel, I remember it took me about a week just to figure out how to center clay!
This week has been very productive. I have thrown my tall project and have also thrown a bowl, another tall cylinder, and a small vase. While footing my vase I was not focusing and accidently made a huge hole in the bottom of it. Just a reminder to pay attention!! I took a whole day to wedge clay and Hanna and I decided to put both of out wedged clay into a bag and it is now our little community bag of wedged clay. My tall project came out of the glaze and I love the drip effect that I made on it! it is subtle but beautiful and adds more personality than if it were one solid color. I have spent some time trying to perfect making handles because mine have come out whimsy and ugly and I have yet to add one to any of my projects... SOON THOUGH! I feel more confident in my ability to throw tall projects. All of my projects so far have started off as cylinders, and on some, I have even had to stand up to fit my arm inside since it is so tall. It makes me feel good knowing that I took off about 2 years from ceramics and I can still throw projects with shape and height.