Thesis: My ceramics theme involves nature. In my work, I try to incorporate natural looking shapes, natural colors, and painting of natural scenes onto my projects.
-What the projects are:
         They are usually pieces that are thrown on the wheel and have natural looking movement and shape. They generally have natural colors and are relatively simple. My main pieces are plates glazed in browns and shadow green, vases with scenes painted on them, and projects that started out as cylinders and were chocked or pushed out, so that they had a better looking shape, yet still kept a simplicity.-How they were made
       The majority of my projects were made on the wheel and started out as cylinders. Some projects I pulled out at the top so that they had lips, and some I chocked at the bottom and the top so that they had more shape to them. With my teapot, I added on a handmade butterfly to the side of the spout to give it more personality, and to help it fit in better with my theme.
-why this theme?      
           I chose this theme because I have always been inspired by nature. I love the way that the natural world is most beautiful in its simplest form. The art that I am most drawn to is that with simple greens and browns, and paintings of valleys, or the countryside. 


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