This week has been very productive so far! I have made a new vase and I have glazed a few of my projects. I am very happy with my vase and I think that I will glaze it with trees and leaves on it so that it can be one of my theme projects. My theme is nature and with it, I am trying to chose natural glaze colors and on some projects I am trying to paint on scenes from nature. I think this vase will either be a spring or fall scene. I have also wedged a lot of clay and I have finished my lidded project. I Stayed after for one day this week and I made a plate, bowl, and cup. I am not sure what I will do with them yet.
Even though it is only Monday, I feel like this is going to be a
good week. I made my lidded project today but the lid broke so I will have to
remake the lid tomorrow. Today I made that project, and cleaned very well. My
plan for the rest of the week is to make a lid on Tuesday and then wedge a lot
of clay to last for the rest of the week. Then on Wednesday I plan on glazing my
plate and then throwing two projects that I can attach to form a teapot.
Thursday and Friday I will both throw and make projects for my theme (which is
going to be nature) and glaze anything that came out of the

This week has been very productive, even with my missing school today, I have made one plate this week and I have glazed my other projects and wedged a lot of clay. The plate that I made is the first plate that I made that had a good lip on it so that my food will not slip off of it. I am very pleased that I have finished most of my projects that are due this quarter. I would have had them all finished except one broke in the kiln. I am getting ready to start my lidded project and I am looking online for some good ideas when it comes down to the shape and size that I would like it to be.